The Complete Guide to Customer Pain Points

In this episode of Marketing Mums, Ann and Anastassia cover customer pain points and how to address them.

In business, a pain point refers to a specific problem that your products or services solve for prospective customers or clients. Understanding and identifying potential customers’ pain points are critical to tailor your sales and marketing practices. 

How to come up with your list of pain points, problems you solve for your customers:

  • Ask your customers?

  • Why is your phone ringing? What do they ask you for when they call you? Keep track of that

  • Look at your analytics, you may be surprised

Today’s actionable item: start asking your clients questions: Why did you hire me? What made you choose us? How did you find us? What do you like best about what we’re doing? How can we improve?

This can be done through a survey or a phone call. It will help you figure out how your message as a brand is coming across and what problem you are solving for your audience.

Wondering how to know your customers better in order to address their pain points? Listen to Episode Five: Knowing Your Audience.